Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog Log

Hi there, a fellow blogger is going through a tough time and decided to use our blogging excercise as a tool for some emotional discharge. I thought I'd offer some advice and maybe you could too...
It hurts so much

1 comment:

Audblogger said...

I really appreciate your insight. You helped me to have a fresh outlook on my situation, and you are absolutely right. The relationship could not last the way it was. We, as people, are continually evolving. The person I was two years ago, when I started dating my ex-boyfriend, was completely different, and much more compatible with his personality than I am now. I always thought the reason we were fighting so much was because we were getting to know each other’s flaws, and that might be the case in some parts of the relationship, but overall, it is because we have changed. You are also right in saying that I need to take time for myself. I need to figure out in what ways I’ve changed, and embrace the new me. I need to learn to love myself again, but not forget what I’ve learned from this experience.