Sunday, October 14, 2007

Big Brother America

I know some people think America can sometimes get their nose involved in international affairs which they shouldn't be involved in. Sometimes America's actions are biased and "big brother" like but other times I think they're just. I mean there are so many problems in the world today and there are so many terrible intentioned agendas and weapons. And these weapons are only getting more powerful and more dangerous. With all this conflict and danger all it takes is one mistake, just one mistake to cause a global crisis. For example, if one country gets their hands on or starts a nuclear weapons program this adds one more hassle to the globe of problems. These days a lot of countries are gaining the financial resources and knowledge to build these kinds weapons. If a country with ill intentioned motives has this kind of power it could be dire.

A lot of these countries are not run by democracies where a congregate of people react, deliberate, think, argue, and discuss before acting. In reality they're run by a few to one person aristocracies, tyrannies, and dictatorships which can sometimes be irrational or respond with emotional and sporadic intentions. This is bad news. You see when countries are enemies with one another they arm themselves accordingly; they react in the best interest for themselves. There is a paradox in game theory called the prisoners dilemma where the best outcome mutually cannot be reached because countries would have to act individually in their least great outcome. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) stems from game theory and explains why countries will arm themselves and arm themselves with the most advance weapons possible. If Iraq (before the invasion from America) is a landlocked country with a lot of oil and a lot of enemies which surround them, they will be motivated to protect themselves. Other countries will be motivated to counter with arming themselves also. With all these issues mounting how easy is it for a country to launch one nuclear missile in the name of "defense"? If such a single event takes place do you know what kind of repercussions would happen? It would be a colossal domino effect. The damage will extend to other countries and they will retaliate. The nuclear debris and fall-out would spread to other nations. It would be a big mess. I mean just think about it, when democratic America was hit with terrorist attacks we went and took over a country. What will a nuclear missile make a country with a sporadic dictatorship do?

That is just one of the terrible problems existing in this world. You have to understand that there must be a peacemaker or someone powerful who can keep these things from happening. Methods are debatable, yes, but there is a need for some type of instrument to step in. We cannot rely on the countries to work these things out themselves all the time because the threat of it not working out just one time is too great to leave it to chance alone. I am grateful that the super power of the world today is one that is run by the ideals and values of a population which is educated and strives for standards that are beneficial to society as a whole. It is these things and this type of system which allows for peace and understanding to spread, that we need in our world and that we need keeping the peace. Critics of America can say what they feel, ( and it is important that they do because when they take action and correct the things they find wrong with America by their words and actions they make America better), but I implore them to ask themselves what would the world be like without her? Where would we be? Sometimes we cannot have the absolute good (policies and actions that lead to success every time); we often have to settle for the greater good. What I am trying to get at in summary is, has the net benefit of America being in this world, having done the things that it has done, and strives to do exceeded the net costs of its position and actions in the world?

"This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."
-Theodore Roosevelt

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