Monday, October 1, 2007

My voice is one

How many Americans at the time voted to go to war in Iraq? It is certainly a lot less now. I don't understand it. When we went to war in Iraq we said that we have to go in order to stop Saddam Hussein and protect freedom for the world. I ask you how many dictators are there in this world and how many people are being exploited and abused by their governments that could have used the 1 trillion dollars that we have spent on every cost that is associated with Iraq. And why is it that George Bush says it's a war on terror? A war on terror will never be over. Terror is not a country; it is not a tangible thing. There will always be terrorists or at least people who we think are terrorists (sometimes one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter).

If there wasn't a clause in the U.S. Constitution that stated a president may not serve more than two terms I believe that George Bush would become a dictator. I feel that he does not listen to the people. When the polls clearly show he is not doing what is in the interest of the people he continues to push on Iraq. When it is all said and done what will become of the image of George Bush? I will not remember him as a man who strengthened our country, one who increased the benefits of being an American that we enjoy, or decreasing the deficit. No, not at all I will remember George Bush as an individual who did not listen to reason and to people. Who was not a wise leader, who could not apologize or admit that he was wrong. Being the president of the United States is not something you do for ego, money, or fame. You become the President of the United States because you believe in Public Service. That is how I envision it, the champions of democracy, the true leaders like John F. Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln. These are the leaders that built a strong nation and a strong foundation. George Bush insults me. He insults my country. He has alienated relationships with so many other countries; he has tarnished the image of the United States so that we now look like a branch of government that monopolizes the regulation of the world and advocates war not relentless negotiations.

Thank goodness for Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison and the many other framers for the constitution, they at least knew that time to time we would have elected a leader who no longer possesses the proper qualities and constructed a powerful system of check and balance to protect the people from unintelligent thinking and a change agent that would eventually eradicate bad thinking altogether. We take it for granted because we are so use to a stable system. If you have lived in another country that relies on rule which is not provided by the people, then you have lived in a very dangerous place. My voice is one of many in our nation, our voices are important because as a collective whole we are the most powerful aggregate that will bring the government to service us. Never stop thinking and never stop voicing.

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