Saturday, April 23, 2011

Assignment 10

Okay so I had trouble with this assignment last week.
I have a lot of code written up so I DONT want to rewrite everything
my plan of action is to start with one class and review the code.
at each method I will debug it so it's smart to run with the string representation method first.

oh god this has been tought:

so you have to attach vertex objects to add to functions only IF the vertex's have been created
dont send strings or labels else you will FUCK up i think
though you could find the object with the label right?
what is the label?
could you find it with the data name?

oh man i feel like this is going to blow up in my face

i have noticed how big of a difference the "()" makes when working with methods, lists, and objects!, and properties!!!!!!

definantly start learning how to work with the methods you write rather than trying to access the objects data directly

yea the () things really fuck me up!

so writing your udnciton and debugging in main at the same time REALLY HELPs

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