Saturday, April 9, 2011

Computer Science

It's been a while since my last post.
Just to update you on my life, I've recently got super interested in Computer Science, the reasons why I'll save for another blog later.

I'm creating this blog to share with the world what I've been learning, and a good way for me to remember the material (they say you remember 95% of what you teach).

A big focus for me will be on learning web development: Javascript, HTML, XML, XHTML, serverside code, client side code, apache, MySQL.
To be honest I don't have a fucking idea what any of these technologies are or how they work together but I want to learn. And I want to learn them because I'd like to make a social network or an ordering reservation system.

Let me say one thing, the failure of other people motivates me. Where others could not push forth is the motivation I need to not only make it past that point but to beat and shatter so much forth in that direction.

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